As acupuncturists, we often check in with our patients to help them make healthy food choices. Eating according to the seasons is an important adjunct therapy to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here are our ideas for tasty, nutritious and healthy summer eating.
3 Tips to Weathering Changing Life Circumstances Well
The’s how life is. After weeks and weeks of a chilly, damp spring in the Mid Atlantic Hardwood Forest region of the US we have the most glorious weather. The sun is warm yet the air has been dry and breezy. The sky is as blue as can be, with white fluffy clouds. Flowers abound, a riot of color, smells, textures. it looks like Oz. Read more…
Five steps to nourish your mind and body during divorce
Divorce is stress season, no matter when it is occurring. While you can’t make someone who is out the door stay or stay when everything in you is pushing you out the door, you can choose to strategically reinforce your body's capabilities of handling stress through your choices of which foods to consume. Read more from divorce coach, Lisa Brick…
To Flu Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? ‘Tis the Question for This Time of Year
Many of my acupuncture patients ask if I recommend they get a flu or shingles vaccination in the fall or winter. There’s a lot of contradictory and confusing information regarding the flu shot and its effectiveness and safety so I’m including these articles that I hope will make it easier for you to make the choice that’s right for you...
Warming Home Recipes + Videos
The Runner's Way: An interview with our Helen Chen
Green Your Interior Spaces with Plants
'Like Father... Like Son' ACNJ Founder Interview Peter Kadar by Lucas Kadar
Excerpt from the interview with Dr. Peter Kadar by his son, Lucas Kadar.
"Acupuncture and TCM have enjoyed a very robust period of growth since I began practice in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1980 and it seems to accelerate every year. When I began practice there were very few states offering full licensure, no hospital acupuncture services and no insurance reimbursement. There were only 2 acupuncture schools and very few reliable textbooks or sources in English." Read more...
Key to High-Level Wellness: 5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation
At ACNJ, we counsel patients in the important ways they can reduce inflammation and promote natural, healthy function. These healthy and easy to achieve guidelines will enhance your regular acupuncture treatments and greatly improve the way you feel and your ability to resist disease and lead a longer, healthier life. Read more...
What's Qi Gong?
Chinese and Western medicines can seem very different, but they do have one thing in common. The idea that prevention is the best medicine. Within Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are several pillars or overarching modes of treatment. All of which can be used as an active intervention in acute or chronic disease or preventatively to avoid disease entirely.
How Acupuncture + Traditional Chinese Medicine Help Women in Menopause
At the Acupuncture Center of New Jersey we often meet women who complain of common menopausal symptoms. These include hot flashes, irregular menstruation – sometimes with heavy bleeding that is unpredictable and difficult, fatigue, low libido, vaginal dryness and discomfort, and anxiety. Read more...
Patient Healing Journey Overcoming Asthma to Become a Triathlete
Joanne had a history of mild allergies and childhood asthma so her respiratory tract and sinuses were her weak areas. She had to stop running and swimming and was relying heavily on steroids and decongestants and had gained weight due to these medications and inactivity. No surprise she also was feeling fatigued, irritable and depressed when she started acupuncture. There are a number of ways to treat allergies and asthma with acupuncture.
Fertility Insights with Punita Jhangiani [Interview]
My own experience with infertility has made me very passionate about this medicine. I had no problems conceiving my first child. However, my second I took 4 years to achieve a successful pregnancy. After many visits to reproductive endocrinologists I came to the realization to take a step back and start at the beginning. With a diagnosis of unexplained infertility, I wanted to use natural healing and emotional centering to bring me back to balance. I stepped away from the ART and was able to get pregnant naturally with acupuncture, herbs and meditation. Read more...
Ear Acupuncture + Auricular Therapy with Dr. Jonathan Holasek
ACNJ practitioner, Jonathan Holasek recently attended an acupuncture conference in Washington. We spoke with Jonathan to share some of the many unknown benefits of ear acupuncture and excited to share it with you below, enjoy. Ear or auricular acupuncture uses hundreds of acupuncture points in the outer ear region that connect with the body's organs and many systems to treat a wide variety of disorders and conditions...
Get Out While You Can
Today many parents and children are fearful of “outside”, uncomfortable in an environment that has uneven surfaces, soil, and, of course, mysterious critters. Some of the fears arise from legitimate concerns, like Lyme Disease, yet a thorough tick check in the evening takes care of that. A body of knowledge of the benefits of outdoor and wild place play has developed since my children were little. These benefits include (read more...)
Getting to know Dr. Ted - Interview
Get to know more about our new practitioner, Dr. Theodore Treantafelles (Dr. Ted) as he joins the team at ACNJ. He is a talented young doctor in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture with a sincere passion to support patient well-being. We are excited to have him on the team and believe he will be a great asset to our growing wellness community here in Morristown, NJ.
Jason’s Path from Anxiety + Depression to Wellness + Balance
Acupuncture is an excellent alternative therapy for people suffering from anxiety, depression, panic attacks, mood disorders and physical symptoms related to these psychological conditions. In my 35 years of practice I have become alarmed by the increasing number of patients who present with these problems and symptoms such as insomnia, palpitations, headache and muscle tightness, irritable bowel syndrome and other physical manifestations.
A Student’s Journey into Acupuncture
My son, Lucas Kadar has grown up with acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, holistic health and living as a foundation his entire life. He's worked for several years in our Morristown acupuncture office and has seen first-hand how acupuncture has helped so many people get well and live a balanced life.
Find Your Path: Taoism + Chinese Medicine
One of the ways that Taoism is interpreted is in following the path of where your life and your actions are meant to take you. It’s possible to do anything in this life, but when we stray from the path life becomes more difficult. This concept can also be seen in many other philosophies and religions referred to as destiny, kismet, or divine will.
Lyme Die-Off Reaction • Melinda's Patient Healing Story
Recently I treated Melinda, a 28 year old woman who has been battling Lyme disease for more than 6 years. She is going to an integrative MD who uses powerful anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic therapies along with fasting and detox diets. Melinda also follows a strict healing diet of no gluten, dairy, sugar and meat which can also cause die-off responses that contribute to Herx reactions. Read more about how we helped heal her with our latest patient healing journey.